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Event Series Event Series: Yoga

Mondays 11/13, 11/20 & 11/27 at 6:30-7:30pm
Age 14 and up

YOGA with Toni Freda –Italians are fond of using a Latin proverb – Mens sana in corpore sano – a healthy mind in a healthy body, which clearly describes what yoga can achieve. Yoga combines physical, mental, and spiritual wellness with breathing exercises, meditation, and physical poses. 

Roll out your mat and enjoy the view! This program is open to adults at all levels of practice. The class will focus on basic foundational yoga postures to help align, strengthen, and promote flexibility in the body. Breathing techniques are also integrated. There will be an emphasis on simplicity, repetition, and ease of movement.  

Mat class: Please bring water, a mat, blocks, and any other yoga props. 

Register Now!

Prior registration is strongly encouraged. Although drop-ins are welcome to pay at the door, the class may be canceled if we do not have enough registered participants.

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