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Musica Sotto le Stelle
Vanessa Racci – The Jazzy Italian
Tuesday, August 15 • 6:30 to 9:30 pm; doors open at 6 pm
$125 members, $135 non-members.
Four-course dinner includes wine and soft drinks.

Celebrate Ferragosto with Vanessa Racci! In honor of the Italian holiday, Vanessa will perform a mixture of Italian classics reinvented from her two albums: Italiana Fresca and Jazzy Italian, and songs made famous by Italian Americans that have become staples of the great Italian American songbook.

Join us for a great night of music and dining! Added bonus: mesmerizing views of New York City’s Harbor and the Verrazzano Bridge as a backdrop. Reserve now because this event will sell out quickly! If it rains, the dinner and show will be presented indoors.

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