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‘Just Our Hands’ Chunky Blanket Workshop

Make a gorgeous chunky blanket with just your hands in a few hours. No knitting or crochet experience is needed! It is so simple and makes a huge impression. This is a really chunky blanket, made with a super fat yarn. It is a complete beginner project, even for those who do not consider themselves crafty.

One-day workshop on Thursday, Dec. 14, 5 to 7 pm.

$65 member / $75 non-member.

The workshop pricing does NOT include materials. The average cost at Michael’s is $8 to $13 depending on project size.

Materials list: The instructor suggests beginning with a baby blanket, and during class you can decide if you want to make it bigger or not.

  • Yarn-Bernat Blanket Big. 2 balls for a baby blanket, 4 balls for a lap blanket, 7 to 8 balls for a twinish blanket
  • Regular scissors or Embroidery scissors
  • Sewing Needle and matching thread for sewing ends together. You can also tie them together, but it looks better sewn.

Contact instructor Margaret Rucci with any questions: 917-886-7970 or mjvrucci@gmail.com

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