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Celebrate the Lives of Enrico Caruso & Aldo Mancusi and Tour the Caruso Gallery at Casa Belvedere
Hosted by Lou Barrella

Born 151 years ago, Caruso continues to be recognized as one of the world’s greatest singers ever. His recordings are over 100 years old, yet people still listen to them, even as he recorded them at the very dawn of the industry! Aldo Mancusi kept the legacy of Caruso “alive” at the Enrico Caruso Museum located in his Brooklyn home for over 40 years. Now, many of the premier pictures, artifacts and personal belongings of Caruso are on permanent display in the new Caruso Gallery on the third floor of Casa Belvedere. Join us on Tuesday, Feb. 27 for a short lecture and video presentation of these two great men, followed by a personal tour of the Gallery.

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