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February 28
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    Italian Citizenship Consultation

    All day

    Italian Citizenship by Descent or by Marriage – Are you eligible for dual citizenship?
    Starting Monday, January 10, you can schedule private appointments at Casa Belvedere to determine the first steps of your journey to become an Italian citizen.

    You can apply for recognition of your Italian citizenship Jure Sanguinis (by descent) or Jure Matrimonii (by marriage). During this first appointment, you will learn whether or not you are eligible to apply. You must bring photocopies of birth certificates (or at least the date and place of birth) of your parent, grandparent or great-grandparent who was an Italian citizen when their child was born. Also, bring a copy, or an approximate date, of their naturalization either in the United States or in another country.

    On select Mondays, you can book a 30-minute appointment (you can book two slots if you feel you need more time) with Carla Megale Di Tommaso, who will review the process with you. The price for your first consultation is $25.